Trecho de Ensaio I

Agora deslizo pelas músicas de seda negra de um cabaret, pois é onde encontro meu conforto. No cabaret e no jazz, este quanto mais sujo, melhor. Não apenas o cenário que sempre, de forma sombria…


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How Dyslexia Affects Reading and Writing

If you wonder if your child has dyslexia, here is an overview of this condition. Dyslexia is a condition where someone may struggle with reading fluently. One sign of dyslexia is the inability to match letters with sounds and phonemic awareness. Phonemic awareness is the ability to recognize sounds in words. Dyslexia is a neurological language disorder. It has nothing to do with a person’s intelligence. In fact, people with dyslexia are highly intelligent and many of them succeed in different fields as adults.

Other signs of dyslexia might include:

Trouble with rhyming

Inconsistent memory of common words

Frequent mispronouncing of words

Difficulties with learning new vocabulary words

Struggles with learning cursive handwriting

Confusion of punctuation marks and arithmetic symbols

Difficulties with writing sentences and long paragraphs

Dyslexia can affect your child’s handwriting skills. Your child may write letters incorrectly and they may reverse their letters more frequently. Instead of writing the letter p, they’ll get confused and write the letter q. Or they might confuse the letters b and a lot when writing words. Your child may also reverse words frequently. Instead of writing “bad”, he will spell it as “dab.”

Children with dyslexia often struggle with taking language arts-based tests. They might take longer to complete these exams and they’ll have a hard time with multiple-choice or essay-based questions. If this is a constant battle for your child, it could be a sign of dyslexia.

Another aspect of having dyslexia is that because your child is emotionally drained from struggling to read, it sucks the excitement out of reading for him. You may find that your child will take a longer time to read assigned books for homework, and he’ll get discouraged about his…

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